13th International Convention: Delegates spiritually prepare for sacred responsibility

BAHÁ’Í WORLD CENTRE — As the 13th International Bahá’í Convention approaches, delegates from around the world have been immersing themselves in the spiritual atmosphere of the Bahá’í Holy Places. These visits to sites intimately connected with the lives of Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá are providing delegates with the special opportunity to prepare for their sacred duty: to elect the Universal House of Justice.

The following images offer a glimpse into the moving experiences shared by the delegates as they journey through the ‘Akká/Haifa area visiting Bahá’í Holy Places.

Bahá’u’lláh and His family were incarcerated in the northwestern wing of this citadel in ‘Akká for more than two years from 1868 to 1870. It was here that Bahá’u’lláh revealed historic works that called upon humanity to work for the building of a just global civilization founded on the oneness of humankind.

A view of the the northwestern wing of the citadel in ‘Akká where Bahá’u’lláh and His family were incarcerated from 1868 to 1870.

At the start of their visit to the Prison Cell, delegates cross the deep   moat that surrounds the old city of ‘Akká.

Delegates gathered in the courtyard of the ‘Akká citadel listen to   a guide on their visit to the Prison Cell.

Delegates pass through the citadel entrance on their way to the Prison Cell.

A group of delegates in the citadel courtyard. The upper window behind them   is in the section of the Prison where Bahá’u’lláh and His family were confined.

As seen from the citadel entrance, a group begins its visit to the Cell.

Delegates ascend a flight of stairs from the citadel courtyard toward the Prison Cell.

Delegates climb the stairs toward the Prison Cell.

Delegates visit the spot in the Prison (roped off, center) where   Bahá’u’lláh’s son Mírzá Mihdí tragically fell to his death while praying on the roof above.

Representatives from many parts of the world gather in the Prison.

A delegate reads a passage from the Bahá’í writings during the visit to the Prison Cell.

A delegate stops for a moment of prayer in the prison.

Delegates visit the prison, and one glances up   at the skylight that Mírzá Mihdí fell from.

Delegate in prayerful contemplation during their visit to the Prison Cell.

A group of delegates visiting the prison, seen through the doors of one of the cells.

Delegates standing outside the Prison Cell of Bahá’u’llah.

Delegates stand to pray outside the prison cell of Bahá’u’llah.

As exiles and under house arrest, Bahá’u’lláh and His family arrived at this building in 1871 and lived in extremely cramped conditions for some time. In 1873, Bahá’u’lláh revealed His Most Holy Book, the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, at this sacred site.

Exterior of the House of ‘Abbúd, which was recently renovated.

Delegates from several countries approach the House of ‘Abbúd (left).

Delegates gather behind the House of ‘Abbúd before their visit. The upper-floor windows on the left seen above them are those of the room where Bahá’u’lláh revealed His Most Holy Book.

A group of delegates pass by the doors of the House of ‘Abbúd.

A group of Convention participants pass through the alley next to the House of ‘Abbúd.

Delegates descend a staircase in the House of ‘Abbúd after their visit.

The members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United Arab Emirates at the House of ‘Abbúd.

Delegates enjoy a moment together at the House of ‘Abbúd.

A group of delegates from Togo at the House of ‘Abbúd.

Delegates from Angola, Japan, and Laos visit the House of ‘Abbúd together.

An international group of Convention participants, along with volunteers serving at the Bahá’í World Centre, at the House of ‘Abbúd.

An international group of Convention participants in front of the House of ‘Abbúd, which recently underwent extensive restoration.

In early June 1877, after nine years of confinement within the walls of the prison-city of ‘Akká, Bahá’u’lláh, and members of His family took up residence at Mazra‘ih, where He received visitors and penned many tablets.

Delegates arrive at the Mansion of Mazra‘ih.

Delegates gather in the entrance hall of Mansion of Mazra‘ih.

In a room of the Mansion of Mazra‘ih where Bahá’u’lláh would receive pilgrims,   a delegate from the Marshall Islands (center) reads a prayer.

A room of the Mansion of Mazra‘ih where Bahá’u’lláh   would receive pilgrims and visitors.

The Mansion of Mazra‘ih seen from the surrounding gardens.

A group of delegates gather along a section of the historic aqueduct   that passed by the Mansion of Mazra‘ih.

A delegate sits in the gardens of the Mansion of Mazra‘ih.

Delegates enter the Mansion of Mazra‘ih.

Delegates from Taiwan walk in the gardens of the Mansion of Mazra‘ih.

Delegates from Ethiopia and Türkiye pass through the gates of the Mansion of Mazra‘ih.

Delegates listen to a guide speak during their visit to the Mansion of Mazra‘ih.

A group of delegates outside the Mansion of Mazra‘ih.

Delegates at the Mansion of Mazra‘ih.

Delegates stand in the shade of the cypress trees at the Mansion of Mazra‘ih.

An international group of delegates together at the Mansion of Mazra‘ih.

Delegates from Peru at the Mansion of Mazra‘ih.

Delegates from Madagascar at the Mansion of Mazra‘ih.

Delegates from the Marashall Islands at the Mansion of Mazra‘ih.

Delegates from Ethiopia at the Mansion of Mazra‘ih.

Delegates from Croatia, attending the first International Convention since the formation of their National Spiritual Assembly, join others from Sierra Leone at the Mansion of Mazra‘ih.

A group of Convention participants from various countries throughout Africa gather   in the gardens of the Mansion of Mazra‘ih.

This is the house where ‘Abdu’l-Bahá resided in the last years of His life and where He passed away in the early hours of 28 November 1921. More than 10,000 people attended ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s funeral the day after His passing.

Delegates on the front steps of the House of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in Haifa.

Delegates enter the gates of a former Pilgrim House near the House of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in Haifa.

Delegates walk through the gardens of the House of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.

Delegates walk through the gardens of the House of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.

Convention participants from countries including India, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Sierra Leone approach the former Pilgrim House near the House of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.

Convention participants from the United States and Zambia approach   the former Pilgrim House near the House of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.

Delegates from Croatia approach     the former Pilgrim House near the House of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.

Delegates walk through the gardens of the House of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.

A diverse group of Convention participants listen to a guide speak in front of the former Pilgrim House near the House of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.

A diverse group of Convention participants listen to a guide speak in the gardens of the House of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.

Delegates gather in the gardens of the House of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.

Delegates from Lesotho after their visit to the House of ʻAbdu’l-Bahá.

Delegates from the Caroline Islands in front of the House of ʻAbdu'l-Bahá.

Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum’s resting place.

Delegates from Cambodia say prayers at Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum’s resting place.

Delegates from Ecuador reverently stand at the resting place of Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum.

Delegates had the opportunity to visit the construction site of the future Shrine of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. In 2019, work began on this site, which is adjacent to the Riḍván Garden in ‘Akká.

Representatives and guests begin their guided visit at the construction site for the Shrine of ʻAbdu'l-Bahá.

Delegates from Central America during their visit to the construction site for the Shrine of ʻAbdu'l-Bahá.

Delegates from West Africa at the construction site for the Shrine of ʻAbdu'l-Bahá.

A group of delegates at the construction site for the Shrine of ʻAbdu'l-Bahá.

Delegates during their visit to the construction site of the Shrine of ʻAbdu'l-Bahá.

Delegates during their visit to the construction site of the Shrine of ʻAbdu'l-Bahá.

Delegates walk the grounds of the construction site of the Shrine of ʻAbdu'l-Bahá.

Representatives and other convention participants gather in front of the south plaza of the future Shrine of ʻAbdu'l-Bahá.

A delegate stands outside the western berm of the Shrine ʻAbdu'l-Bahá’s construction site.

Images showing construction progress and a rendering of the Shrine were on display during the visits.

Delegates listen to a presentation at the south plaza of the future Shrine of ʻAbdu'l-Bahá during their visit.

Delegates during their visit to the construction site of the Shrine of ʻAbdu'l-Bahá.

Delegates and other guests listen to a presentation at the site of the future Shrine of ʻAbdu'l-Bahá’s.

Representatives view a three-dimensional model of the Shrine’s trellis.

Delegates from Morocco during their visit to the construction site of the Shrine of ʻAbdu'l-Bahá.

The International Archives Building contains historical artefacts and precious relics associated with the Central Figures and early years of the Bahá’í Faith.

A view of the International Archives Building at sunset.

Delegates approaching the International Archives Building for their visit.

Delegates reverently enter the International Archives Building.

A delegate from Greenland enters the International Archives Building.

Delegates following their visit to the Internal Archives Building.

Delegates outside of the International Archive Building.

Delegates at the entrance of the International Archive Building.

Delegates standing on the steps of the International Archive Building following their visit.

A group of delegates after their visit to the International Archives Building.

Delegates from Haiti on the steps of the International Archive Building.

Delegates after their visit the International Archive Building.

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